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14 Ways To Make Money With PLR eBooks and Resell Rights Products in 2022

Writer's picture: PLR eBook WebmasterPLR eBook Webmaster

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

Make money with plr ebooks resell rights

1. Sell PLR Products Directly On Your Blog or Site

If you already have a blog or website with readers, this should be your first call to action to start making money with resell rights products. In fact, you can make your first couple of sales within hours or even minutes of taking action, if you already have a site or blog with visitors.

2. Sell PLR Products To Your List

If you have a list of subscribers, you can sell private label rights (PLR) products directly to them as well. In fact, it’s one of the quickest ways to make money with resell rights products. Selling directly to your list can even get more sales than selling on your website or blog, particularly if your subscribers are proven buyers and have bought from you before. There goes that saying, "The money is in the list".

3. Sell PLR Products Through Direct Advertisement

Even if you don’t have a website or blog and you don’t have a list of subscribers, you can still make money with PLR products by selling them directly, using the right type of advertisements.

If you know how to advertise on other websites, you can make good sales easily. Since you don’t have to create the products yourself, you are able to concentrate 100% on advertising and promoting the products you want, and start getting 100% of the money you make. You also have other options, such as Google ads and Facebook ads.


4. Use PLR Articles To Create An Autoresponder Series

It's obvious that you need to build and establish a marketing relationship before you start earning online. You can do this effectively with an autoresponder. If you don’t have an autoresponder, you need one. And you need a steady stream of content in the autoresponder to put your business on automatic pilot.


5. Use PLR Content On Your Website

Resell rights products can be used to steadily feed your website with much needed high quality content. What this means is that you use these products – articles, videos, infographics etc – as content that would keep visitors informed, educated and even convinced to buy more of what you are selling or promoting. There are many different niches to choose from.


6. Use PLR Content In Your Newsletter

These are online publications you create and send periodically to subscribers in your mailing list. You get to make money with newsletters by adding affiliate links, building relationship or by promoting your product offers directly to your subscribers. There's some extra cash right there.


7. Use PLR Content To Build Websites To Flip Later on Your make money online strategy can be to build and sell content-rich and money-making websites. You can achieve this with resell rights products. If you have products with private label rights you can use or modify the content to build a niche site. Monetize the site with AdSense or any other method. When the site starts making money you can then sell it for profit to the highest bidder at online marketplaces like,, etc. You can do this again and again in different niches, particularly if you are a member of resell rights membership site which provides content in different niches.


8. Use PLR Content To Build Websites To Earn Directly If you are building a website to resell then you can just build the website to keep making money for you. In this case, you have to build the site, add content, promote it, monetize it and earn from it. With resell rights products you can keep feeding the website with quality content that would be valuable to the visitors. If done well, you can even get good traffic from search engines. The resell rights content for the website can be blog posts, videos, ebooks, software or any material that would provide value to the visitors.


9. Use PLR Content In Your Writing Business If your online business is writing content for clients, using resell rights articles can save you time and cost in research.

You can generate unique content ideas from these materials just as you can rewrite some of them to suit the needs of some of your clients. Since many resell rights products are put together after many hours or even weeks of research, it’s not uncommon to find great quality content that you can get great use out of.


10. Use PLR Content For Commenting and Social Media Engagements

Link building with social media can help you make money online. This is a strategy that most successful online businesses adopt. You can use resell rights content to make comments on relevant popular social media platforms to build links and relationship that would result in traffic and sales. All you need do is use excerpt of edited related resell rights post to make comment on social media posts, leaving a link back to your website where visitors can access the full post and respond to your call-to-action.

11. Offer PLR Content To Affiliates Promoting Your Products

If you have an affiliate program for a specific product you are selling then you can help your affiliates with materials that would assist them in promoting your product with ease. Resell rights articles or resell rights products can come handy in this case. You should offer your affiliates content or PLR suites that may contain rebrandable articles they can use for newsletter ads, sales pages, banner ads, PPC ads, etc. This saves them time and money they would have spent creating new content to use in promoting your offers.


12. Create and Sell Ebooks From Combined Series of PLR Ebooks or Articles

You can certainly make money online by creating and selling ebooks. The use of PLR ebooks and resell rights articles can help you create one or more ebooks that would earn you good sales. You can use a series of PLR ebook or articles to write one ebook. Afterwards, you can promote and sell this ebook to those who are interested. In other words, the combined series of PLR ebooks or articles would provide the ideas you will use to create the new ebook saving you time and effort in doing everything from scratch.


13. Use PLR Products To Generate Leads For Your Blog or Online Business

If you have an sign-up or opt-in form anywhere, it’s a fact that most of your prospects or visitors won’t join your mailing list just because you ask them to. They will usually need some motivation to do so. Your simply asking them sign-up for your newsletters will not always do the magic. You can use resell rights products and offer them as ‘freebies’ or bonuses to those who sign up.


14. Offer PLR Products As Bonuses To A Main Product

If you have a product you are promoting as an affiliate, it can be a good idea to offer a bonus of one or more resell right products to help you boost sales. There’s a reason why most big stores online and offline offer “buy 1 get 1 free” or similar type of bonuses. They work very well in making people buy, especially when they are hesitant to buy in the first place. Even those who have already made up their minds to buy, they feel better when they get bonuses for their purchases.

plr ebook website online business



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